I knew Alex very well, he was a friend. We had many inspiring discussions about games.
I remember how Alex found enormous child-like joy in playing and experimenting with all sorts of gadgets and models for his games. He even had a carpenter in his hometown Venice who created models for him which Alex carefully stored and proudly exhibited in his designer studio.
Alex is one of the fathers of modern game design, and he did a lot for the recognition of game designers and their names being placed on the games. When I was a newcomer to designing games, I was surprised how determined Alex represented the game designer rights towards the publishers – while I tried to be very accommodating just to get published. Over the years and with more experience, this has changed, and like Alex then, I now expect from publishers that we are treated as equals.
Thank you Alex!
アレックスのことはよく知っており、友人でした。ゲームについて、何度も刺激的な議論を交わしました。 いろいろなゲームの仕掛けや模型でテストプレイをするとき、アレックスは子どものようにはしゃいでいたのを覚えています。故郷のベネチアでは大工さんに模型を作ってもらい、それを大事に保管して、自分のデザイナースタジオに誇らしげに展示していたこともありました。
アレックスは現代のゲームデザインの父の一人であり、ゲームデザイナーが認知され、ゲームに名前が載るようになるのに多くの功績を残しました。私がまだ駆け出しゲームデザイナーだった頃、アレックスがゲームデザイナーの権利をパブリッシャーに毅然と主張したことに驚きました。一方私は、出版してもらうだけで言いなりになろうとしていました。あれから何年も経ち、経験も積み、今では当時のアレックスと同じように、パブリッシャーがデザイナーと対等な立場で接するのが当たり前になりました。 ありがとう、アレックス!
Ever since I was little, I loved to change the games that I had and create new ones, but it was just a game, I never thought it would become a job. Then one day, a middle-aged American gentleman, member of my own chess club (at that time I was about 10 or so), he taught us play Mad Mate, a cross between Western Chess and Japanese Chess. The amazing thing was to discover that he had invented that game. His name was Alex Randolph. Therefore I had the good fortune to meet the most senior of world of designers of games, the one who invented the concept of the game inventor! As if an aspiring filmmaker met Spielberg or a musician Peter Gabriel. So I began to attend his study, as playtester, but then, little by little, I began also to show him my ideas, and he encouraged me, sensing that in the confusion typical of a 10 year old child was hiding a propensity for that job. Until, in 1986, then several years later, we published together Drachenfels, and two years later Inkognito.
Alex was a friend, a mentor, a father, a grandfather. The most important advice of Alex was probably the following: don’t design a game because you want to publish it, design a game because it is what you like to do. The second most important is an advice that strongly affected my style: don’t ad any rules if it is not strictly necessary. Find the core of the mechanism and forget all the rest.
私は小さい頃から、持っているゲームのルールを変えたり、新しいゲームを作ったりするのが好きだったのですが、あくまでも遊びであって、まさか仕事になるとは思ってもいませんでした。そんなある日(当時10歳くらいでした)、私の所属するチェスクラブのメンバーである中年のアメリカ人紳士が、チェスと将棋を掛け合わせた『マッドメイト(Mad Mate)』というゲームを教えてくれたんです。驚いたのは、彼がそのゲームを発明したということでした。彼の名前はアレックス・ランドルフ。というわけで、ゲームデザイナー界の大先輩であり、「ゲームインベンター」という概念を生み出した方とお会いできる幸運に恵まれたわけです。まるで、映画監督志望の人がスピルバーグに、ミュージシャンがピーター・ガブリエルに出会ったようなものです。そこで、私はプレイテスターとして彼の研究に参加するようになり、その後、少しずつ自分のアイデアも彼に見せるようになったのですが、10歳の子ども特有の戸惑いの中に、この仕事の素質が隠されていることを察知して、私を励ましてくれたのです。こうして数年後、1986年に共作で『ドラゴンの岩』、その2年後に『インコグニト』を出版することになったのです。
Alex Randolph
Twice I visited Alex in Venice, once he came to us in Stuttgart, very often we met at
fairs, authors’ days and game events and how could it be otherwise, we discussed
about games.
Alex was the beginning and the end for us game authors, a source of experience
and inexhaustible advice.
He was always friendly, helpful, smart and wise.
We all learned a lot from him.
Alex was a philosopher and a wonderful person.
Alex was the “grand
seigneur of gaming culture”
a person full of ideas and a
He spent his life in the USA, Switzerland, Austria, Japan and Italy.
Randolph loves classic brain games and is passionate about chess, creating tactical
and mysterious games with s
omething to hide and discover.
The legacy of Alex (1922
2004), worthy of discovery, is located in the German
Games Archive Nuremberg in the Pellerhaus, Egidienpatz 23, and is accessible
there on request.
Alex was more than a friend. We miss him sorel
But he lives on in our thoughts and in his games.
And I am grateful that I was allowed to accompany him a little bit on his life’s
journey now and then.
Wolfgang Kramer
アレックス(1922 – 2004)の価値ある遺産はドイツゲームアーカイブ・ニュルンベルクに所蔵され、リクエストがあれば見学することができます。